Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Hack to school answers

1. What has been the hardest part of starting school during the pandemic? 

The hardest part for me is not being in a classroom setting. I work better and more efficiency in a classroom. 

2. What have you enjoyed the most about starting school during the pandemic? 

The most enjoyed part is that I am home more and that I don't have to get ready everyday. I could just go in Pajamas no one will notice. 

3. What are your goals in this course this year? What do you want to learn or get better at? 

During this course my goal is to learn more about writing. I want to lean about how i van make my writing more easier and enjoyable. 

4. What's one habit you can start, stop, or improve to support your success? 

One habit I can start is going to bed at a earlier time, One habit I can stop is Procrastination, and a habit I could use for success is to be more organized. 

5.What grade do you expect to earn on the semester report card ? 

The best grade that I can get. I want to have A. But if I don't get the grade I want as long as I know I did my best to earn the grade I got. 

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I really liked the video and I was shocked to how much it was true. Now that I look back on it I realized so much was a remix of some thing ...