So today I got to interview Gabriela Mendoza From Santa Maria High School on her Key Interest. So earlier in the week she had posted links to go with her Key Interest.
There's a link to Gabby's blog. She has a interview of me on there as well. So make sure to go check it out.
Gabby's blog (
Q: What are you Key Interest?
They are Psychology, Nutrition, and Food Science
Q: What link is the do you think is your strongest ?
Well I would say numbers 2,3,4. I chose them because one of them is by an organization and the others were ted talk. Ted talk are from professional speakers who fact check there work often.
Q: What link do you think is the weakest?
Well I think I would choose the 1st link is the weakest because it is from an unfamiliar source for me. It something I just used because I need something.
Q: Why did you choose 2,3,4 as your strongest ?
I chose them as my strongest because I went into more detail with them. They are also familiar sights that I use often and I trust more.
Thank you!